Ourhighly trained staff guarantees our customers the best services
Facts about Interklark
Our goal: to minimize the maintenance cost by keeping high quality.

“Quality” is a word easily spoken but it takes a lot of toil to achieve. Running a quality system for years now we have come to realize that:
It goes without saying that in the beginning it took effort to overcome the “bad reputation” that usually accompanies quality systems:
- It’s useless paperwork
- Takes hours away from “real work”
- It serves marketing purposes only and so on…
The last ten -plus- years, having been the definition of instability regarding the business environment (financial crises, capital controls, unregulated situation with neighbouring countries, increase in prices of raw materials and transportation, Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and other smaller, yet important, crises) led us to take more advantage of that part of the quality system called Risk Management.
About Interklark
Interklark started off back in 1999. The company’s culture has been has been customer-orientatedsince the very beginning: competitive prices and the goal to ensure the best value for money.
The years that passed have shown us that what the customers need is not just good prices, but the certainty of a partnership that ensures continuous and uninterrupted operation of her/his business and support in difficult periods. The confidence that his/her partner/supplier is always in place with solid values and visions. And finally the certainty that as long as Interklark exists none of his/her forklift problems will remain unsolved.
The forklift market has changed dramatically over the years. Not just once but many times. To cope with the changes and be consistent with our customers we have invested in IT tools, quality systems and training of our staff as well as in storage infrastructure and bulk procurement of spare parts to stock.
As the overall global environment has become particularly volatile, a situation that tends to be permanent, Interklark will continue with the same rational policy that will enable it to face any adversity and continue to support the domestic market with its products and its services.

ISO certification
Since October 2018 Interklark has been certified
- with the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard from TUVRheinland
- and from April 2022 with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety standards from SWISS.
It is a step that, in practice, implies more value offered to our customers and even more productive collaborations with them while at the same time opening new horizons for our company!